No one should stress or even die from a blood shortage in Lebanon

Much blood has been wasted in the streets of Lebanon throughout its history.

Yet, blood banks are almost empty and families of patients in need of blood struggle to find potential donors, every day.

The pressure of finding blood for a loved one is an added burden the families should not bear alone.

Our mission is to improve the anonymous and voluntary blood donation system in Lebanon, and for that, we created a movement.

Every dot blinking is someone
in need of your blood
Select your blood type,
click on a dot near you
and donate now!
Select your blood type, choose a hospital near you & donate now!
Roll up your sleeves
and join the movement!
Give Blood Give Blood
Give Blood

Make it your new healthy and life-saving habit!

Give Time Give Time
Give Time

Want to become an active citizen in your community?

Give Space Give Space
Give Space

Use your space to spread awareness and encourage voluntary blood donation!

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Give Support

No contribution is too small! Every support is appreciated.

United, we multiply impact

To all those who are contributing to our journey, we thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you. With your continuous selfless acts of kindness, courage, and love, we as a community can continue to come together and save more lives.

Upcoming Activities
The greatest proof of
responsible citizenship

is to serve someone
you don't know.
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